Please fill out the form below and click Submit to submit your application for consideration. Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
COMPLETING A TIME OFF REQUEST FOR AN UNPLANNED ABSENCE DOES NOT EXEMPT EMPLOYEES FROM CALLING IN TO HUMAN RESOURCE. YOU MUST CALL HR. EMAIL ISN'T ACCEPTED FOR CALLING IN.• Unplanned Absence Definition: You didn't complete the online request 24 business hours before you will be off. HR must have time to be aware of the absence, and doesn't get emails away from work.• Excuses are subject to verification of authenticity & must be turned in on the day of return.• Please refer to your Employee Handbook for Vacation, Paid Sick Time & Non-Paid Time Off eligibility & rules.• Employees are responsible for completing this form as soon as they know they will need to be absent from work for 15 minutes or more from their regular scheduled work week.
• By signing below, I am stating I have verified from my most recent pay stub I have the Paid Time Off available I am requesting or either I am requesting Unpaid Time Off.• Please type your First and Last name as an electronic signature to acknowledge that this request is only intended for current employees and you confirm that are the employee and you completed this form by yourself.
AFTER YOU HAVE CLICKED SUBMIT, DO NOT REFRESH THE SCREEN OR IT WILL SUBMIT THE APPLICATION AGAIN. (On most mobile devices, the screen refreshes and submits again by pulling the screen down.)